Royal Commission for Makkah City and Holy Sites




Annual Report, Content Editing





RCMC, a leading institution in Saudi Arabia, had an annual report that showcased their yearly achievements and operational milestones. Upon analysis, it became evident that the report could benefit from restructuring and fine-tuning to maximize its impact.

What We Did & Vision

The Strategy & Long-term Vision

1. Report Reorganization: Streamlined the content, ensuring a logical flow and easy-to-follow structure.

2. Data Presentation: Implemented visuals like infographics, charts, and tables to simplify complex data.

3. Stakeholder-centric Approach: Tailored the content to cater to the key interests of shareholders, investors, and other stakeholders.

The Execution

Content Refinement: Worked meticulously to refine language, ensuring clarity and precision.

Visual Appeal: Introduced a modern design aesthetic, aligning the report's look with RCMC's brand identity.

Accessibility: Ensured the report was easily accessible across all digital platforms and formats.

The Vision

By elevating the standard of RCMC's annual report, our ambition is to set a gold standard for transparency, accuracy, and user engagement, making RCMC the benchmark for annual reporting in Saudi Arabia and beyond.


Readability: Enhanced ease of understanding, with positive feedback from stakeholders.

Engagement: Noticed a significant increase in report downloads and interactions.

Stakeholder Confidence: Strengthened trust and assurance among shareholders and potential investors.

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